
February 26, 2010

Licorice Ann
Licorice Ann and Toblerone- Two tiny six-week old puppies, one dull black and one dusty brown, sat in the back of a cold kennel at the City animal shelter. Although siblings, the brown pup looked like a chocolate bar Lab and the black one was obviously a chunky faced pitbull. With a little coaxing, they both waddled to the front of the kennel with tails wagging, pleading to be held and removed from this unfamiliar place. They had been owner surrendered as an "unwanted litter."

Black pitbulls aren't exactly at the top of the "most wanted breed" list, but they do top the "most frequently euthanized shelter dog" list, so these pups would need rescue. They were submissive, friendly and forgiving of their owner's indifference, so within the hour, they were enroute to a warm bath, a soft blanket and eventually, a permanent home that would love them forever. We named the puppies after famous sweets, to match their temperaments.  The black puppy was named "Licorice Ann" and her brother was named after the famous European Toblerone chocolate; or "Toby" for short.