No fence fighting |
Does your dog bark or growl at dogs (or people) as they walk by your fenced yard? Dogs that need exercise and mental stimulation can develop fence fighting issues that lead to aggressive, territorial behaviors. Stop these bad behaviors before they become patterns.
- Supervise your dog when he's outside and stop him before he shows fence aggression.
- Take your dog for more walks and socialize him with other well-behaved dogs.
- Be sure he is neutered.
Male Cardinal |
Do you own a cat? Outdoor cats kill millions of songbirds per year. Wild birds eat harmful insects and add beauty to our lives. Keeping your cat strictly indoors prolongs your cat's life, reduces vet bills and prevents bird deaths. To keep your cat content, keep his litter box clean, provide window perches and toys.
"REWARD" dog tag |
When ordering your pet's ID tag, list 2 phone numbers and the word "REWARD," rather than the pet's name. This is good incentive for the finder to call you!