
September 18, 2011


Stray animals are common after disasters. Many pets are scared and won't come to strangers. Live traps are life savers for strays. The following are good bait foods for trapping dogs or cats... (Oily/smelly foods are best!) 
smelly bait foods
  • tunafish in oil 
  • canned cat food
  • bacon (and bacon grease soaked biscuits) 
  • bbq brisquit 
  • sardines/canned fish
  • deboned fried chicken
  • deviled eggs 


feeding station
Devastating Texas wildfires separated many animals from their homes. If you see a stray dog in your area, try to coax it into your yard. If she's friendly, take her to your local shelter, where she'll be reunited with her owner. If the dog is shy, set up a feeding station to provide food/water until you can get a live trap to catch the dog. Call your local shelter to borrow a trap or obtain one online. See the December 2010 posting for 'Dog trapping' tips...

September 6, 2011

Union Chapel Fire (from Best Friends Boarding Kennel)

The devastating 2011 fires in Bastrop Texas forced many families to leave their homes abruptly. Do you have an evacuation plan with your pets? Animals left behind will NOT flee disaster, they often equate home with safety. 

Tips for safely evacuating with pets:
  • Always keep collars/ID tags on pets.
  • Microchip your pets now. Later can be too late.
  • Post a 'pet rescue window decal' to alert rescue personnel that pets are in your home. 
  • Keep dog leashes near the front door.
  • Leash train your dogs.
  • Own a crate for each pet.
  • Don't own more animals than you can take during an evacuation.
  • Animals sense anxiety. Stay calm. Load pets (especially cats) into crates indoors. Don't load/unload pets outdoors, where they can flee. 
  • Keep leashes on your pet while they ride in the car. 
  • Keep windows up so animals don't jump from the car.
  • If you have time, pack pet meds, food and water.
  • Keep an emergency kit with pet supplies in a closet.
  • Vets and kennels are good boarding destinations.
  • Most emergency shelters and hotels will take pets.
  • Livestock trailers should be kept in good working order. Inspect and inflate the tires regularily.
  • Keep extra halters and lead ropes in trailers.
  • If you must leave pets in a home, fill bathtub/sinks with water. Leave open bags of food on the floor.
  • Leave a window open for cats. 
  • Notify authorities that you left pets in your home.
  • Dogs should be released from chains if left behind.
  • Go back ASAP to get animals.
  • If you return after an evacuation to find pets gone, check your local shelter. Post pictures on Facebook/ Craigs List. Put LOST signs up with the word 'Reward' so people will contact you.