
August 26, 2010

Bodie playing tug with 2 foster pups
Bodie -  Walking through the Austin shelter, we noticed a brindle pup tightly curled up, trying to stay warm. His hairless legs bowed at odd angles. He was skinny, mangy and smelled bad due to his skin condition. He had an adorable, sweet expression on his worn face. He was found one morning in a church parking lot, curled up in a cardboard box, after a hard freeze. The pup's legs were bent, due to poor nutrition and lack of exercise. He may have grown up in the cardboard box, since neglect and abuse assume many original forms. 

Within an hour, Bodie was enroute to our foster home with a warm cedar bed and a hearty meal. Bodie was about 4 months old and weighed a mere 12 pounds, while he should have weighed 25. With a healthy regiment of exercise and good food, Bodie made a full recovery. His favorite game was hiding stuffed animals from the big dogs. Bodie was a grateful dog, who cherished small favors. His new owner made sure he had ample toys and love for the rest of his sweet life.

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