
September 2, 2010

Gwendolyn - This is the story of Gwendolyn, a bait dog dumped in impoverished Bastrop County. One morning, a woman found a young Pit Bull curled on her trailer porch, covered in blood. The dog was too weak to stand. She was a bait dog, unwilling to fight, so she was used to train other dogs to kill. If bait dogs don't immediately die, they're discarded to die, no longer useful to their evil handlers. This tenacious dog clung to life until her bad luck changed to good.

We carried Gwen to our car and took her to the vet, where her tear wounds were cleaned and stitched. Although  bruised and in great pain, Gwen's calm demeanor was obvious. She didn't have a protest bone in her entire body.

Gwen was a short, stout dog, more accurately an American Staffordshire Terrier breed (AmStaff for short) than a Pit Bull. She was sweet as apple pie and packed with personality. She would do a charming "happy dance" when exiting her kennel and then sit for attention. We were apprehensive when introducing Gwen to other dogs, fearful that she might be dog reactive due to her brutal experience. Instead, she was friendly and calm.

Gwen was adopted by a nice woman living in Austin. People who meet Gwen are constantly impressed by this former bait dog's melancholy, sweet nature.

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