
November 15, 2010

When posting a dog for adoption, use a creative bio and great picture. This is your best advertising tool. Post the info on The sample below attracted a good applicant in a few short days...... "Black and white puppies are a dime-a-dozen at shelters. One of the most popular shelter currencies are Border Collie mixes. Four month-old "Dime" was at the Lampasas Shelter and had no venture capital to buy his way out of this high-kill shelter. But, Dime was so cute that he found a way into rescue and yielded high rates of interest! True to his Border Collie reputation, Dime is intelligent and playful. He’ll stick his head in a water bucket and madly dash around the yard. He is housebroken, crate trained and adores people. He’ll gradually mature into a 50 lb dog. Dime invested wisely with his vet and is current on shots and neutered. If you’re looking for a mutual fund companion and a lifetime investment, Dime is worth your dollar!"

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