
November 30, 2014

Feral dogs present special challenges. Here are 2:

ISSUE: They won't potty on leash.
   TRY: Use your long line (10') to give them some privacy. Walk them next to bushes in a fenced yard.
   TRY: Take the pan out of a large wire crate so the floor is grass. Place dog in the crate and wait.    (Keep leash on and supervise while they're in crate.) 
    TRY: Be patient. They'll go when they have to… it can be several days for some dogs.

ISSUE: They won't eat.
TRY: Offer high value foods - (roasted chicken meat, bbq briscuit, hot dogs, vienna sausages, cheese, turkey.) Try to get them to eat from your hand. If they turn their head away, leave bits of food in their crate. They'll associate the food with you and eventually learn to eat from your hand.
DO: Offer full time water. Leave a bowl in their crate.

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